NREMT Practice Test
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NREMT Exam - National Registry Emergency Medical Technician
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NREMT Certification Facts
NREMT, or National Registry Emergency Medical Technician is a computer adaptive test. Every candidate will have to answer a number of questions ranging from 70 to 120. The exam questions have two categories:
- 60-110 live items that are comprehensively counted into the final score
- 10 trial questions that will not be included into the final score
There is no a correct or wrong answer in the NREMT exam. Instead, there is one best answer, and the rest ones represent less effective and unsafe care for the patients. Exam questions are outlined from the National Emergency Medical Services Educational Standards and not any state protocols that may differ depending on your area of residence or where you may apply for the test. The Registry always avoids questions that could have responses differing because of regional or geographical differences. The examiners focus on the practical content that could determine the progress of the candidate in the field.
The time limit for the NREMT test is a maximum of two hours.
NREMT will cover a wide spectrum of topics from Emergency Medical Services (EMS) that are listed below:
- Trauma
- Medical
- Obstetrics
- EMS Operations
- Cardiology & Resuscitation
- Airway, Ventilation, and Respiration
Inpatient care, about 85 percent of the questions concern the adults and elderly patients, and the remaining 15 percent is for the pediatric patients. Competency is standardized, which means that the candidates have to reach a certain benchmark to qualify for the test. Your exam score depends on how well you can provide effective medical care to the patients in case of an emergency.
There is no fixed numeric value that determines your passing grade in the NREMT exam. The minimum score depends on the level of knowledge and cognition you portray as a competent NREMT candidate. The least minimum passing standard is determined by the National Registry Board of Directors and is reviewed every three years so as to be kept up to date. The Board works on the recommendations and suggestions proposed by a panel of experienced professionals who are part of the Emergency Medical Services committee. The panel of experts consists of psychometricians who are basically testing experts. These experts use a variety of different methods to assess and evaluate how well the candidate can be expected to respond to the exam content. All these different procedures determine the minimum passing standard for NREMT.
Every candidate can make six attempts at passing the NREMT test. If one has failed the exam three times, he/she must submit an official document that verifies the completion of remedial training. If a person has failed the test after the first attempt, the National Registry will provide him or her with the feedback on how well he/she did in the exam. The students can only apply for the retest after at least fifteen days of the previous NREMT test they entered. In case the candidate has failed all six attempts, he/she will be required to repeat the entire Emergency Medical Technician course.