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Microsoft Certifications Tips
Microsoft is one of the leading companies when it comes to Information technology. They offer certification courses an d exams to individuals who are interested to advance their skills in IT. In the market today, there are various Microsoft certification categories. These certifications can be achieved sequentially. The various Microsoft certifications are described briefly below.
Microsoft Technology Associate(MTA)
This certification of associate level is intended for individuals who have not yet ventured into a career in the Information Technology world. In order for one to be considered for this certification, one has to pass one MTA exam. MTA exams do not have any prerequisites and thus anyone interested can undertake the exam. The main areas that are focused on in the MTA exam are software development, databases, security, and networking. MTA certifications open you career prospects for the following positions: Help Desk Technician, Network/Database Administrator, Website/Mobile Application developer, Software Engineer, etc.
Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA)
Denotes to associate level and is majorly aimed at individuals who are just getting started with their careers in Information Technology. MCSA certification is divided into many fields. Some of the fields include BI reporting, cloud platform, Data Engineering with Azure, Linux on Azure and Machine learning to name a few. MCSA certification is provided by Microsoft and its licensed partners. It is also a prerequisite to doing Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert, MCSE certification. Having MCSA certification, once can get position of Network Administrator, Database Administrator, Infrastructure Specialist, Cloud Applications Manager. It depends on which credential one chooses to obtain: MCSA: Windows Server 2016, MCSA: SQL Database Administration, MCSA: Office 365 etc.Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert
The next level of Microsoft Certification is called MCSE or Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert. This certification is aimed at Information Technology professionals: Systems Engineer, IT Support Engineer, Technical Consultant, System Administrator, etc.
Microsoft also offers certifications for software developers which are known as MCSD.
MCSE and MCSD certifications validate the IT professionals with the skills to manage, build, and administer cloud premises over multiple technologies. MCSD certification is a real target for future web developers, mobile application developers, software engineers, etc.
There is also Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification which is intended for people who specialize in Microsoft Office.
There are many advantages that an individual can benefit from after attaining the certification as seen below:
- Microsoft certifications provide a chance for individuals to improve their career ways.
- Microsoft certifications especially MTA provide an opportunity for novices who wish to join the Information technology world to be part of it. This is because it does not have any prerequisite.
- Microsoft certifications also enable various individuals to have employment opportunities all over the world. This is because it is accepted globally by almost 100% of the firms. The certified Microsoft professionals seldom remain unemployed.
- It also provides individuals with the chance to update their skills. This is because Microsoft certifications do not cover only one aspect of the information technology world. The professionals with Microsoft certification have a wide range of skills as compared to their peers in the place of work.
In conclusion, Microsoft certifications are a big plus for individuals both novices and professionals who would like to improve their IT careers. It has all that is needed from the beginning of every individual’s dream of becoming an expert because the certification is procedural.
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