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Hot ITIL Certifications

All ITIL Exams

Exam Exam Name
ITIL Practitioner ITIL Practitioner
ITIL4 Managing Professional Transition ITIL4 Managing Professional Transition
ITILFND V4 ITIL 4 Foundation
ITILSC-OSA ITIL Service Capability Operational Support and Analysis
ITILSC-SOA ITIL Service Capability Service Offerings and Agreements

ITIL Training Guide

ITIL Certification Exam Dumps, Practice Test Questions & Answers And Training courses covering most popular ITIL Certifications from Prep Away. Walk into Testing Centre with confidence especially as you know that you will see the same questions as our dumps in your Exam. ITIL Practice Test Questions offer premium files in ETE format, simulating the exam simulation along with your weak and strong areas by Chapters & Topics. Don’t look any further than ITIL Exam Dumps from PrepAway for all your studying. Our Premium Products include ETE File exam questions, training course & study guide. ITIL Certification Practice Test Questions cover all the Top exams.

Comments * The most recent comment are at the top

South Africa
Dec 08, 2024
what does it take to achieve a professional certification in itil? please share the impressions and tips to pass the cert exam!
United States
Dec 02, 2024
@Vinnie, certification in itil is basically for those individuals who desire to perceive a firm knowledge of the complete itil guidelines and framework. within the certification schemes, there comes five levels which can assist you in developing your skills and talents in the management of the IT.
Nov 21, 2024
does anyone know about itil certification cost? how much it takes to become a professional in itil?
United States
Nov 13, 2024
there is no doubt itil training assist the candidates have in depth, practical and technical knowledge of the field. I too got benefit from the training and now a professional in it. the training helps a candidate a long way ahead. training is essential for every course no matter what course we do and we all know that. isn’t it? same is the case with itil. as soon as we complete the certification, hell lot opportunities in the relevant sector get open up for us.
Nov 03, 2024
@rafael, i have just cleared itil foundation certification and I want to tell people that the foundational level provides you with the basic awareness of the concepts, main elements and terminology used in ITIL service lifecycle. this is the very first level required to clear itil certification, once you clear it, you can confidently move to the other levels.
Oct 23, 2024
what topics and titles are covered under itil v3 foundation?
Oct 17, 2024
can anyone tell where to find the most updated dumps for itil v3?
Oct 08, 2024
does anyone know about itil foundation? like what all are the basics and foundations of the course?
Sep 28, 2024
can anyone please tell me about itil certification? is it worth achieving the certification? is there a secure career in it?

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ITIL Certifications Tips

ITIL is a collection of practices for IT service management that aims at correlating IT services with the requirements of a business. ITIL is comprised of five volumes that cover the different lifecycle stages. It provides a baseline for an organization to plan, implement and measure. It is also used to clearly depict compliance and measure improvement of an organization. EXIN is a Dutch company that has certified IT professionals worldwide and is involved in the training and examining of ICT personnel.

ITIL Certification Description

It is an entry-level certification exam on the general understanding of ITIL elements, concepts, and terminologies used in its service lifecycle. It also involves the understanding of relations between life stages, processes used and their benefaction to service management. This certification is majorly aimed at IT professionals, for instance, IT architects, IT planners, IT consultants and anyone intending to add to their IT service management.

How to be certified
Certification levels

Foundation level is the entry-level certification which offers you a broad understanding of the concepts, key elements, and terminologies used in ITIL service lifecycles.

Practitioner level- this level focuses on the knowledge on adopting ITIL in an organization. The professional covers three distinct areas in this certification.

Intermediate level is comprised of a module from where each module provides a unique focus on IT service management. The two modules are service capability and service lifecycle. Much more detailed than the above two and is industry recognized.

Expert level is intended for professionals striving to understand the ITIL scheme in its entirety. Attained on achieving a higher level of knowledge and skills of ITIL best practices.

Master level. To attain this level you have to be able to evidently show a personal application of the knowledge, method, and technology of ITIL to attain the desired business outcome.

There are two possible ways of attaining ITIL certification:

The ITIL certification exam has the following features:
Exam codes
Job opportunities

A large number of organizations have adopted this framework. Sectors such as healthcare, higher education, and aviation. Jobs available include:


ITIL certification opens up new doors for better opportunities. If you are looking to be enhanced in productivity, management and effectiveness then this is the step you need to take. It will teach you the best practices and improve your employment prospects.