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Cisco CCENT Tests

CERTIFICATION: CCENT (Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician)

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CCENT Certification Facts

Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) certification is offered by the leading provider in the networking field, Cisco. It will justify y our ability when it comes to managing a small enterprise branch network. This certification is highly recognized as one of the stepping stones towards CCNA certification. It is also a door opener for your networking career since you will have equipped yourself with the necessary skills.

Description of CCENT certification

CCENT Exam imparts its learners' various skills such as: the ability to install, operate and troubleshoot small enterprise branch network. They also acquire some knowledge on the basic network security.

The main advantage of CCENT certification is that it doesn’t require any prerequisites, therefore, if you are considering a career in networking and you don’t have any other credentials then, here is the perfect place to start from.

However, for you to be CCENT certified you must pass 100-105 ICND1 exam. This exam tests your knowledge level and ability in the following areas: network fundamentals, LAN switching technologies, routing technologies and infrastructure. You will also be able to know how to maintain the network.

100-105 ICND1 exam consists of 45-55 assessment questions and lasts 90 minutes. Time management is, therefore, a very important key in excelling and getting the desired marks.

One of the major challenges that comes with this certification is that its validity doesn't last for long. After 3 years you will be required to recertify it. It means that you have to pass one of the following exams before the validity period ends. These exams include:

  • Current ICND1 exam or the existing associate level certification exam.
  • Updated 642-XXX or any 300-XXX professional certification exam.

You can also decide to go for the:

  • latest 642-XXX Cisco specialist exam, CCIE written exam, and CCDE which is either theoretical or practical.
How to Prepare

During your preparation process, there are practice exams created to help you review the relevant materials relating to the real exam. They are very beneficial since you, as a learner will be able to accustom yourself to what you will experience in the real exam. It is a good way of getting rid of exam phobia. You can also use the online practice labs which equip you with the basic skills and teach you to work with networking computer equipment.

The advantage of CCENT certification, apart from being an elevator towards CCNA certification, is that it makes the candidate to be unique and outstanding from the others. Therefore, it will be an added advantage towards your career path.

Job Opportunities
  • Network Engineer
  • Server Administrator
  • Database Designer
  • IT Security Expert
  • Software Developer

CCENT certification makes one a pacesetter among colleagues, thus aspiring them to become successful networkers. The certification gives you a very solid and strong foundation that you will need in your career progression.

Comments * The most recent comment are at the top

Feb 25, 2025
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Feb 11, 2025
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Feb 01, 2025
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Jan 19, 2025
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United Kingdom
Jan 09, 2025
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Dec 29, 2024
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Dec 18, 2024
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Dec 09, 2024
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